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Learn Cloud Native Newsletter
Previous newsletters
March 9, 2022
Deploy Traefik Proxy using Flux and GitOps principles
February 5, 2022
First newsletter of 2022, aka it's February already
November 24, 2021
What's next for cloud-native computing?
November 7, 2021
Content from KubeCon and EnvoyCon videos 2021
October 1, 2021
Hacktoberfest 2021 starts today, deep dive into k8s scheduling, Kubermatic
September 17, 2021
5 years of Envoy, Kubernetes CVE, getting started with K8s security
September 10, 2021
State of DevOps report, critical review of the Kubernetes hardening guidance, what happened to Docker, 8 Terraform best practices
September 3, 2021
Docker updates subscription plan, state of Kubernetes security report, organizing Kubernetes containers, and ArgoCD
August 27, 2021
Kubernetes dashboards, Path from Kubernetes to Serverless with Kelsey Hightower, and Secret Manager support for Functions
August 20, 2021
Github Codespaces, KubeCon and learncloudnative.com redesign
5 years of Envoy
Links of the week
- Deploy OpenFaaS to Linode with K3sup
- 7 microservices best practices for developers
- Kubernetes CVE-2021-25741
- A case for decentralized cloud storage and delivery
- Crossplane is not a CNCF incubating project
- Prometheus cheat sheet