About Learn Cloud Native

We've created this platform for software developers, architects, engineers and sysadmins, and anyone who builds and manages software. On this platform, you'll find content that explains modern technologies, tools, and culture.

A couple of times a month we send out a newsletter with a collection of curated content from around the web, covering cloud-native projects, DevOps, and open-source.

How can I contribute content?

We welcome original contributions from experts to share their knowledge and expertise. Sharing knowledge helps all participants to grow and provides different views on topics.

Do you have an idea for a blog post? Reach out!

Any new contributions from companies are accepted and published once every quarter. If you wish to submit more frequently you can reach out to chat about sponsorship opportunities.

How to publish sponsored content?

We offer multiple sponsorship packages on 3-month or annual basis. The sponsorship packages include the option of publishing sponsored posts, displaying a logo on the home page and on the sponsors' page, RSS feed, and including your sponsorship message in the newsletter.

Privacy note: The sponsor provides all outgoing links for ads. You can include any campaign-specific parameters in your URL to track your ROI. No click rates or other data is shared with the sponsor.

Click to learn more about sponsorship opportunities→
